A collection of interviews about the experience of Time. Browse as you like, or use the search bar to find specific topics such as profession, countries of origin or residence, particular emotions, and so on. To search for a certain age, search by decade: type ‘50s’ if you want to read from people in their 50s, for example, and for those under 10 years of age, search ‘under10’. Participants’ age is given at the time of the interview.
NOTE: We’re transferring over interviews from the old website - it’s a slow process! Thank you for your patience - please check back in to see all of them in one place, and new ones as they go up.
"We have to allow ourselves to go to the place where time does not exist in order to plant seeds for the things we want to see manifest here on earth, where time is very real." VALERIE JUNE, 34
"I’m working before recorded time – let’s call that BRT – into an unknown future. That’s how I work; with the raw materials present on this earth since the beginning of time." MICHELE OKA DONER, 68
"I realize that in the piece, in the painting it is time by itself. For the piece that rests in my studio ... in a way, the time is open. For the pieces that are sold, the time stops." MANOLIS CHAROS, 55
"Pythagoras, the ancient mathematician, said that numbers are sacred and not all should be allowed to understand numbers. Because they are more than that." FRANKA PAPANDREOU, 59
"Wake up, breakfast first, lunch, dinner, watch TV, play with my cat, go out, search the world, maybe go shopping or something like that." GIFFORD MOY, 24
"I was hitchhiking, and this guy decided that he could just turn off of the road and take me somewhere. There was this moment when he actually started turning and time seemed to freeze." KATERINA ZORIA, 28
"My parents got divorced, which may or may not relate but probably doesn’t but I’m guessing a little bit does, and then I don’t know, I just became less bothered by the passage of time." BEN NIMKIN, 28
"Aesthetics and ethics are two sides of the same coin. So when it’s beautiful, it also feels morally correct for me. I can be on time, but it doesn’t feel rigid, it feels graceful." GENEVIEVE KAPULER, 68
“As a child time was open and vast. Now time is constructed of bridges and intersections.” BETTE BURGOYNE, 57
"It’s not about a laborious thing, it’s about doing it and having it be somehow alive, and having your hand and your touch and whatever materials you selected make a mark." TED THIRLBY, 65